Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 14, 2011 Key West, Florida

Key West, FL – Valentine’s Day in Key West – After breakfast and exchanging valentine’s cards, we walked into Key West. We shopped a bit at the Mallory Square end of town, then strolled to the farthest south point. There was a long line-up for photos so we took ours from across the street.

 Then we strolled back to the Hemingway House and took the tour there. We had a great animated guide who really told the stories well. From there, we headed back to the Little White House and enjoyed another really interesting tour, before returning to the ship for a late lunch and some quiet time in our cabin. A lovely day – bright and just warm enough for strolling. We enjoyed cocktails and watched the sunset from the pool deck, then a Puccini concert in the theatre and dinner with our very interesting and animated table companions.

February 13, 2011 - Port Everglades Florida

Embarkation – We arrived at Port Everglades around 2pm, and enjoyed a smooth embarkation. Our cabin is very small, but certainly has everyt...